Should You Start Using ProtonMail. The Secure Email Service?

Secure Email Service is the one which everyone is looking for. Sending and receiving emails has become part of our life. Whether it might be personal or professional email, we want it to be secured. We do not want our mails to be tracked by someone and know our data.

We normally use Gmail or Yahoo Mail and we also knew that, data sent through them was being tracked by NSA and other organizations. This was also mentioned by Snowden(read more about him here) and in short our private data of many users can be disclosed by using them. Many of us are looking for many encrypted softwares and other encrypted emails. In this article I will let you know the ProtonMail which is one of the best secure email services available for free.

ProtonMail Secure Email Service

Secure Email Service called ProtonMail meets all the requirements which everyone is looking for. Sending and receiving mails using ProtonMail is secured completely from end to end. There are many more interesting features which are very much useful for everyone and let us look into each of them in details. I am sure that you will really love this and will start using this when you reach the end of the article.

Data Security and Neutrality

To provide security and to be neutral to all, Secure Email Service ProtonMail has it’s servers located in Switzerland which does not come under U.S Jurisdiction.  Switzerland has strict security privacy laws and this will be one of the important things in ProtonMail.

Two Levels of Authentication and Zero Access to User Data

In any email service say Google or Yahoo Mail, we would see only one level of authentication. I mean we would enter only one password that allows us to access our mailbox or inbox. But, ProtonMail has two levels of authentication. I mean one is to login to your ProtonMail and the second password is decrypt your Mail Box. Only first password will be with the ProtonMail to verity the first authentication. The most important second password is only with you and this is not shared with ProtonMail. So, if your second password is lost, then you can recover your data. Anyways, you can change these passwords at any time you want.

ProtonMail two level authentication

So, there will be two levels authentication with ProtonMail and it has become one of the factor of it being the best secure email service.

ProtonMail self destruct mails

End-to-End Encryption

ProtonMail encrypts the mail you sent from end to end. It means that, when you send an encrypted email, it will be decrypted only at the receivers end and not in any level from sender to receiver. Even at the server level, ProtonMail will maintain the email in the encrypted format only. When you send the mail you can set the password for decryption and this will only be known to the recipient.

This is only when you send mail to non-ProtonMail users. When you send mail to Proton Mails users, than those mails will be automatically encrypted. You can also set the timer to destroy mails after the specified time. So, this level of end to end encryption will help you as third parties cannot decrypt the mail or data.

So, when you send an encrypted mail to non-ProtonMail users, then receive a link and when they provide password, mail will be decrypted. This password is shared only between you and the recipient itself. So, your mail is secured than ever.

Anonymous Email and Protects User’s Privacy

ProtonMail does not log user’s activity. Most of the email services at present logs user’s activity and shows the targeted advertisements and you will not see such things using ProtonMail. It doe s not even track your IP Address which you link to your account. You do not need to provide any personal information to start using ProtonMail and protecting user’s privacy is it’s primary aim.

Free Secure Email

Everyone of us believes that security and privacy are the fundamental rights which every email service should provide us. ProtonMail does exactly the same and that too for free of cost. ProtonMail is for free and you can upgrade it and can use the paid account at any time you want to make most use of it to secure ourselves.

Easy to Use and Modern Inbox Design

ProtonMail is easy to use and it has the modern inbox design. If you are using any other mail service, then it is easy to use ProtonMail.

Self-Destruct Messages

ProtonMail has an important feature of self-destructing emails. Set the time at which mails should self-destruct while sending mails. Then, when that time is reached mail would get self-destructed which cannot be retrieved later. This is really an important feature of ProtonMail to become secure email service.

Highly Tested and Trusted Encryption Algorithms

ProtonMail uses some good algorithms namely RSA, AEA and Open PGP open source algorithms. These algorithms are timely tested and are very secured algorithm. Many researchers and scientists are working hard to improve these algorithms more and better.

Some of the Important Features of ProtonMail

  • 1000 messages per month
  • 500 MB Storage
  • Self-Destructing Mails
  • Mails sent to ProtonMail users are transparently encrypted
  • Mails sent to Non-ProtonMail users can be in encrypt or decrypt form as required by the user.
  • Unencrypted mail attachments can be maximum up to 11 MB
  • End-to-End Encryption from the sender to receiver and it cannot be tracked by third party users at any stage.
  • Complete importance to secure and privacy of users.


So, at the end there is nothing more to day which secure email to use, right? ProtonMail is one of the best secure email services and it has many features as discussed above. If you want to be cool without worrying regarding the theft of your data, then ProtonMail is the suggested one. For your information, even Snowden uses the ProtonMail. This itself is required to say how secure ProtonMail is.

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Sridhar Belide

I'm a Software Engineer who loves to stay updated with developments in the world of technology. He is fond of writing everything related to Internet, Computers and Mobile and Desktop Operating Systems.