Remove Shortcut Creating Virus in PenDrives on Windows 8.1 & Windows 10

There are thousands of new viruses coming out every day from hackers systems. Some of the hackers intentionally write virus programs, and they will spread them all over the Internet. Among the thousands of the virus programs, few of the programs will spread rapidly, and they cause a lot of troubles to the users.

In recent times a funny shortcut creating virus is troubling PC users a lot. Even most of my friends in college are changing their Operating Systems (OS) because of this weird virus.

Recently, I gave my Pendrive to my friend to get a movie. He inserted my USB Pendrive in his PC and copied that file. After that, he gave it to me. To copy this film into my PC, I opened the Pendrive then I saw something like in the below image. This is all because of Shortcut creating Virus.

So today in this article I am going to show you the solution for Shortcut Creating Virus in Pen drives, Windows8 and Windows 7 PCs. This is not a dangerous virus, but it is irritating the Windows users.

I will tell you two solutions to remove Shortcut creating virus one is for Windows 8.1,8,7, and another one is for Flash drives, Pen drives.

  1. Temporary Solution to remove shortcut virus in Flash drives ( pen drives)
  2. Permanent Solution ( Remove Virus from your Windows 8.1 or Windows 8,7)

First, we’ll see the temporary solution to remove shortcut creating virus.

 Remove Short Creating virus in Pen/USB drive With Command Prompt (CMD)

  • Open your command prompt. ( If you don’t know how to open the command prompt, first just press Windows button+R then you will see a prompt like below image. In the search box type  CMD and press enter then you will see a command prompt.

run prompt Windows +R

  • After opening your command prompt see pen drive location ( Like in the image ) then note that drive letter.
removal of shortcut virus in windows
Copy your pen drive location.( Here it is J: )
  • Then type location of your Pen drive like in below image ( my pen drive location )
Copy pendrive location
Copy Pendrive location
  • After this, you have to type one final Command. Just copy the below command and paste it in your CMD  then hit enter.
  • Copy  the code ==>       attrib -s -h /s /d *.*
command to remove shortcut virus in pendrive
the command to remove shortcut virus in pendrive
  1. Now go back to your Pendrive and see all your files. You will see an empty folder open that empty folder there you can see your folders.
shortcut virus removed
Files after removing the shortcut virus.

How to Remove Virus permanently from  Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 PC?

This is very simple.

  • If you have AntiVirus on your Laptop, then just update it. Updating your Anti virus is very important.
  • If you don’t have Antivirus on your PC, then install any latest version of Antivirus.
  • I highly recommend you to use Free MS Essential or McAfee paid version.

If you have any queries or issues with this then do leave your comments.  If you enjoyed this tutorial, Share this article

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